
I am currently an associate professor (with tenure) in the School of CSE at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). I worked as a research fellow in the School of Computing (SoC), National University of Singapore (NUS) from 2021 to 2023. I received my PhD degree from SoC NUS, supervised by Prof. Jin Song Dong. I have been honoured to collaborate with Assoc. Prof. Guangdong Bai. Prior to that, I obtained my bachelor's degree with the first class honours from Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

I am broadly interested in AI+Security, Secure and Private Software Engineering. In particular, my research focuses on the Security Analysis and Testing of Large Language Models, Mobile and Web Security and Privacy. I have published in various top-tier conferences and journals such as OOPSLA, NDSS, MobiCom, TSE, TOSEM, FSE, ASE, ISSTA and WWW.

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  • [27 Aug 2024] Our survey paper Large Language Models for Software Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review is accepted by TOSEM. Congratualtions to Xinyi!
  • [24 Aug 2024] Two papers (full) accepted by ASE Industry Showcase Track. Congratualtions to Xinyi, Jian and Shenao!
  • [14 Aug 2024] I am serving as a PC member for WWW 2025.
  • [7 Aug 2024] Two papers accepted by ASE 2024. Congratulations to Baijun, Zhibo and Yuxi!
  • [13 Jun 2024] Our paper Drowzee: Metamorphic Testing for Fact-conflicting Hallucination Detection in Large Language Models is accepted by OOPSLA 2024. Congratulations to Ningke!
  • [21 Feb 2024] Our paper MeTMaP: Metamorphic Testing for Detecting False Vector Matching Problems in LLM Augmented Generation is accepted by FORGE 2024. Congratulations to Guanyu and Yi!
  • [1 Feb 2024] Two papers accepted by WWW 2024, congratulations to Liuhuo!
  • [23 Jan 2024] Our paper Glitch Tokens in Large Language Models: Categorization Taxonomy and Effective Detection is accepted by FSE 2024. Congratulations to Yuxi and Yi!
  • [4 Jan 2024] Our paper Beyond Fidelity: Explaining Vulnerability Localization of Learning-based Detectors is accepted by TOSEM. Congratulations to Baijun!
  • [1 Jan 2024] I am serving as PC member for WWW, LCTES, FORGE, Internetware, ICECCS 2024 this year!

PUBLICATIONS -- Full List (# denotes corresponding author)

  • Large Language Models for Software Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review
    Xiniyi Hou, Yanjie Zhao, Yue Liu, Zhou Yang, Kailong Wang, Li Li, Xiapu Luo, David Lo, John Grundy and Haoyu Wang.
    ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 2024.

  • GlitchProber: Advancing Effective Detection and Mitigation of Glitch Tokens in Large Language Models
    Zhibo Zhang, Wuxia Bai, Yuxi Li, Mark Huasong Meng, Kailong Wang#, Ling Shi, Li Li, Jun Wang and Haoyu Wang.
    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2024.

  • Semantic-Enhanced Indirect Call Analysis with Large Language Models
    Baijun Cheng, Cen Zhang, Kailong Wang#, Ling Shi, Yang Liu, Haoyu Wang, Yao Guo and Xiangqun Chen.
    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2024.

  • Towards Robust Detection of Open Source Software Supply Chain Poisoning Attacks in Industry Environments
    Xinyi Zheng, Chen Wei, Shenao Wang, Yanjie Zhao, Peiming Gao, Yuanchao Zhang, Kailong Wang#, and Haoyu Wang.
    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) Industry Showcase, 2024.

  • Models Are Codes: Towards Measuring Malicious Code Poisoning Attacks on Pre-trained Model Hubs
    Jian Zhao, Shenao Wang, Yanjie Zhao, Xinyi Hou, Kailong Wang, Peiming Gao, Yuanchao Zhang, Chen Wei and Haoyu Wang.
    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) Industry Showcase, 2024.

  • Drowzee: Metamorphic Testing for Fact-conflicting Hallucination Detection in Large Language Models
    Ningke Li, Yuekang Li, Yi Liu, Ling Shi, Kailong Wang#, Haoyu Wang.
    Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications (OOPSLA), 2024.

  • Glitch Tokens in Large Language Models: Categorization Taxonomy and Effective Detection
    Yuxi Li, Yi Liu, Gelei Deng, Ying Zhang, Wenjia Song, Ling Shi, Kailong Wang#, Yuekang Li, Yang Liu, Haoyu Wang.
    ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2024.

  • Metmap: Metamorphic Testing for Detecting False Vector Matching Problems in LLM Augmented Generation
    Guanyu Wang, Yuekang Li, Yi Liu, Gelei Deng, Tianlin Li, Guosheng Xu, Yang Liu, Haoyu Wang, Kailong Wang#.
    AI Foundation Models and Software Engineering (FORGE), 2024.

  • Beyond Fidelity: Explaining Vulnerability Localization of Learning-based Detectors
    Baijun Cheng, Shengming Zhao, Kailong Wang#, Meizhen Wang, Guangdong Bai, Ruitao Feng, Yao Guo, Lei Ma, Haoyu Wang.
    ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 33(5):1-33, June 2024.

  • Don't Bite Off More Than You Can Chew: Investigating Excessive Permission Requests in Trigger-action Integrations
    Liuhuo Wan, Kailong Wang#, Kulani Tharaka Mahadewa, Haoyu Wang, Guangdong Bai.
    The Web Conference (WWW), 2024.

  • Is It Safe To Share Your Files? An Empirical Security Analysis of Google Workspace
    Liuhuo Wan, Kailong Wang#, Haoyu Wang, Guangdong Bai.
    The Web Conference (WWW), 2024.

  • Masterkey: Automated Jailbreak of Multiple Large Language Model Chatbots
    Gelei Deng, Yi Liu, Yuekang Li, Kailong Wang, Ying Zhang, Zefeng Li, Haoyu Wang, Tianwei Zhang, Yang Liu.
    Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2024.

  • Pandora: Jailbreak GPTs by Retrieval Augmented Generation Poisoning
    Gelei Deng, Yi Liu, Kailong Wang, Yuekang Li, Tianwei Zhang, Yang Liu.
    NDSS-AISCC, 2024.

  • Essential or Excessive? Mindaext: Measuring Data Minimization Practices among Browser Extensions
    Yuxi Ling, Yun Hao, Yuyan Wang, Kailong Wang, Guangdong Bai, Jin Song Dong.
    The IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), 2024.


  • Research Assistant NUS, Singapore. (2015.08 - 2021.10)
  • Visiting Scholar The University of Queensland, Australia. (2019.08 - 2019.11)
  • Visiting Scholar NUS (Suzhou) Research Institute, China. (2021.06 - 2021.08)
  • Postdoctoral Researcher NUS, Singapore. (2021.10 - 2023.02)
  • Associate Professor HUST, China. (2023.03 -)


Wang Kailong (王凯龙)
Office: Room C206, MingDe Building
Email: wangkl AT